Sunday, September 04, 2005

What I did on my summer vacation... 2005

Well, we didn't really have a 'vacation' this summer, other than the reunion, but Mr. D. & I did get away for our anniversary (#15). We had a 24-hour date - Considering our 'date nights' are few & far between this was an event!
We went to Salem, (where I lived when we were first dating). The most memorable thing was 5 minutes into our motel room I stubbed my toe so hard on the coffee table that it was bleeding. I had to ice my foot & I could hardly hobble around. We spent a romantic evening watching "MASH" reruns in the motel room! The next day we went to The Oregon Garden. It is acres of different kinds of garden 'rooms'. I took lots of pictures, trying to get some ideas for our yard - one of those projects we keep meaning to work on... Unfortunately now I hear they're thinking of closing it due to lack of funds. If you get a chance - visit it before it closes. The Girl & Grandma survived their first 'sleepover'. The Girl stayed at Grandma & Grandpa's house while we were away. She was very good - Grandma thought that she was worried we may not come back!

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